Throughout this series, Charlie Shakespeare has explored how bingo has evolved around the capital.
But what about traditional bingo?
Yvette visited 60 Mecca Bingo clubs to mark her 60th Birthday and to raise funds for charity. As an ‘expert’ of traditional bingo, Yvette and her friends teach Charlie how to play.
As a mum of 3, my nights out are far and few between, so I need it to be an absolute all rounder of a night,
I love the whole video! It is so good seeing everyone having such a good time, everybody needs a bit of cheer….
The whole place was absolutely buzzing. What a great night out for all ages and it’s nice to see younger people mixing with the older generation.
I’m loving the retro bingo machine we used to have one of those And the Fancy dress is cool I need a night out like this for sure